My Story Of Recovery

I was 7 when I started to leave my body because it didn’t feel like a safe place to be

I was 11 when I started to feel like I had to manage it, fix it, control it and restrict it.

And then, slowly over time, my body became  “the enemy” and my full time “fix it” project

For the next 20 years I lived outside of my body - in an idealised “in my head” version of it.

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Covid Fatigue

We are experiencing one of the biggest challenges we will ever go through in our lifetime, and possibly the history of humanity, on both a personal and collective level. It is more important than ever that we care for our own wellbeing on every level - mentally, emotionally, and physically.

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Tanya CameronComment
Unravelling at Midlife

My own midlife unravelling began in my late 30’s and then just after I turned 40, I had a “dark night of the soul” and went through a very dark time suffering with deep depression for over a year. I felt guilty through this time as on the outside it appeared that I had everything that I “should” need to be happy - two healthy children, a happy marriage, a beautiful home, and loving friends. Yet I had this nagging sense of dissatisfaction with my life and felt disconnected and, in hindsight, quite numb.

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Tanya CameronComment
Consistent Self Care versus Emergency Self Care

I see it time and time again , women that have pushed themselves to the brink. Most of these women's lives have come to a screeching halt because they are exhausted, sick and disconnected from themselves and their own needs.

I liken it to an energetic pendulum that swings from one extreme to another, kind of like feast or famine - one month full of energy and productivity and the next month heading towards exhaustion, overwhelm and burn-out. It is usually dramatic and unexpected.

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